
Berbagai upaya mitigasi dampak buruk dari perubahan iklim dan pemanasan global utamanya sangat bergantung pada keberhasilan pengendalian emisi karbon. Pajak lingkungan, dalam hal ini, dapat menjadi jawaban atas permasalahan tersebut. Diadopsi pertama kali pada tahun 1970-an oleh negara-negara OECD, pajak …

Sudah tidak diragukan lagi bahwa Artificial Intelligence (AI) merupakan temuan paling penting dalam sejarah peradaban manusia abad ini. Teknologi AI mengalami perkembangan yang sangat signifikan, hingga mencapai titik di mana sistem dan algoritmanya mulai memainkan peranan yang semakin vital dalam …

Crypto assets have been crippling in the past few months, noticeable from a significant decline in crypto prices and market capitalization, along with the declaration of bankruptcy by some avant-garde entities. However, the blockchain technology that underlies cryptocurrencies remains crucial, …

The affinity between the United States and China has been unsteady; both have had the most critical and complex bilateral relationship throughout history. This affiliation is growing worse over the years, especially when China started gaining ground in competition over …

Digital technology advancement comes as a game changer in every human dimension.

With all the conveniences technology offers in everyday life, it also comes with another side of the coin. In this article, I argue that the emersion of digital